
oak'ness n. the shadow of the oak tree at its fullest, inviting stragglers to sit and relax under its shade

My Photo
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Then and Now...

It's 12:14am and I can't seem to stop typing... I keep wanting to post stuff, but have no idea what to post... so this one's for Yum and Jess who haven't seen Sasha for a little over a month. She's still a puppy... still 20 weeks old, but I wouldn't say that she's "a little puppy". Here are some pics of her then and now...

8 weeks old... just a baby

This was when she still fit in her little house...

Notice how clean her house was then...

Not such a clean house... and yes, she doesn't quite fit in it anymore...

Still a baby, just not so little anymore...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Drop Out

Where Am I? Take 2 has everyone guessing correctly... I was a passenger in my own car driving down High Street Road towards Glen Waverley... just after Bushy Park Lane on the right and Norton's Park on the left. Now, onto bigger and better things... I've dropped two of my three courses. That being said, things rarely seem to go right when you have a proxy re-enrol for you. And depending on which way you look at it, it may be a good thing, but... if you're a glass half empty type... it may not be such a good thing.

I, personally, am stoked. I only have to concentrate on one course now - which is worth 24 credit points (double the norm) and have three semesters left (two of them full semesters and the last semester consisting of two courses). The reason why I dropped two courses is because my program only gives me enough space to do three electives... which I have already had my fill of. Two of the three courses I was enrolled in this semester were electives, so if I did continue with them, I would be doing them for nothing... and forking over extravagant sums of money to write four 2,500 word essays which don't count for anything. That being said, I am glad I was given this rare opportunity to drop two courses - not because I didn't like them, but because I had to =o) This is what I'll now be doing in my spare time:

And to my defence (in regards to E's post about Shannon Noll), all I really wanted from Shannon Noll's latest album was "Now I Run" and "Lift"... but that was it, promise! But now that I have the whole album on my Mac, I have to say it's pretty good...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Where Am I? Take 2

Speaking of capturing photos... took this one with my head hanging out the window of a moving car. The car behind us wanted to go past, but didn't 'coz my head may have been in the way. No, I wasn't drunk. So... where am I?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Observe and Be Observed...

I've had a "moment", if you can call it that. Almost like an inspiration, but more like a realisation of something that's obvious, something that is always there that you never normally notice, or things we take for granted. And if we were only to open our eyes and observe our surroundings we'd see these small anomalies everyday, all around us. I had this realisation not two seconds ago. And this is, photos are great... wait, just hear me out... photos capture moments that pass by in seconds, and reproduce the moment for a lifetime. For example, I was looking through the photos of Viv's farewell do. And there was this one photo...

See the blonde guy between Viv (far right) and me? Well... let me just say, I have no idea who he is. And nor does anyone else. Just some random guy who wanted to be in the photo - correct me if I'm wrong Viv. He even has his arm around Viv's shoulder. Now that's a moment that happened in seconds but will remain for a lifetime - or however long we keep this photo for.

Second photo... the capture of a "sour face" - need I say more?

And lastly, Juz and Viv took out Image 1 in "Where The Bloody Hell Are You?" - it was the corner of Bulleen and Manningham Roads. And Enoch got Image 2 - Corner of Maroondah Highway and Rooks Road. Nice one guys.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Where The Bloody Hell Are You?

Firstly, I have to apologies to make to B and Rach... they were the legitimate winners in "Knots and Crosses"... hence the change to my previous post... will make it up to you fools... Lucky Cup anyone? Anyways, I have an intersection... actually, two...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Knots and Crosses

Alright, I know it's only been a week... but I can feel myself getting lazy about this blog already... why do diaries always have this effect on me?!

Anyway, so last night I tied Enoch and Steph together, Rach and B together, and Juz and Tabs together... here's what happened:

INGREDIENTS (will feed two):

1. Two equal lengths of rope (approx. 50 cm long)
2. Two able-bodied / minded people (to avoid confusion, we'll call them "able-bodied1" and "able-bodied2")

Take one piece of rope and tie either end to able-bodied1's hands (one end of the rope should be tied to the right hand and the other end to the left hand). Take the other length of rope and tie one end to able-bodied2's right hand, loop the other end of the rope through the rope that's tied to able-bodied1 and attach the other end of the rope to able-bodied2's left hand. Got it?

Your masterpiece should look like this:


Now sit back and laugh as able-bodied1 and able-bodied2 attempt to free themselves from this.


And the winner is...

Followed closely by...

(who gave up...)


(who ran out of time...)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

10 Things About Me

A blog. Space where I can voice all my thoughts, desires and dreams... or maybe not. I imagine this to be like a diary, but better 'coz it doesn't matter whether you finish writing on all the pages or not - the pages are never ending. So... seeing as this is my life under the microscope, I thought I'd start with 10 facts about me. 10, for me, is feasible... 100 not so...

10. I study Urban Design at RMIT. This means that I will end up being an architect for whole towns/suburbs. I don't know if I love it or hate it - I have my days... but in the end it's going to get me a job that is in high demand.

9. I love the taste of coffee, but haven't had one in a while because I'm scared that I'll become addicted and have withdrawal symptoms (for example, constant headaches, shaking hands... need I say more?) when there's no coffee around for me to have.

8. I also love tea. In Germany they have a huge range of fruit teas, that don't really even taste like tea... but they taste really good. I have mine black with no sugar... mm tea. Here in Oz, I just drink Green Tea or Black Tea and on the odd occassion, chinese tea at a chinese restaurant...

7. I can't stand bad drivers. Especially the Asian women who can't see over the steering wheel of their 4WD. I mean, why can't they get a smaller car for goodness sakes! It'll be safer for them and for us!

6. I want to do a reality TV show with all my friends. The scenario would be that we've all been sent back to do Year 12 and they taken our cars, drivers licenses, mobile phones, credit cards, and we'd have limited funds in our bank accounts. I just want to know who'd last the longest... who'd come out with the highest ENTER score, who'd be the class clown, who would wag the most days, etc... you get the idea.

5. I lived in Germany for a year. I didn't understand a word of German when I arrived, and my host family didn't speak a word of English. For the first two months we had yellow post-it notes on every piece of furniture, appliance and even on the cutlery that had the names of these appliances/furniture/cutlery written on them. These yellow pieces of paper saved me.

4. My greatest fear is the fear of failure... followed closely by a fear of spiders, heights and getting fat. Oh, and I hate confrontation... I'd rather just not talk to the person than confront them about their problem...

3. When watching a movie with underwater scenes, I hold my breath (subconsciously) until the camera comes above water. I almost passed out once doing this - only because I didn't realise I was doing it. That being said, "Finding Nemo" was an exhausting movie to watch.

2. I once brought home the tail of a mouse in my lunch box. It was a mouse we dissected at school that day. It was supposed to be a surprise for my mum. Needless to say, mum was surprised (I could tell by the way she screamed). She cracked it and didn't talk to me until I apologised.

1. I shaved my head in 2002. Just for fun. I was in Germany at the time, and I sent all my hair back to a friend in Oz who buried it in their backyard. If I could turn back time, I think I would still have done it... and given the chance, I may do it again...

That took just under 2 hours to do... can't imagine how long it would've taken me to do 100... I'm exhausted!