
oak'ness n. the shadow of the oak tree at its fullest, inviting stragglers to sit and relax under its shade

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Soak up the Sun

Now that my chances of going to Mt. Buller for a weekend are shot, I've set my sights on something bigger... SUMMER! I can't wait to run around on the beach, play monkey in the water and jump into Baggy's pool... granted we're allowed to use his pool... but yess... I can feel summer in the air and I can't wait till exams are over!

On a totally different note, all *employees at work were called into a meeting over the past week to let us know that hours for *Knox City will be cut by 20% for all full time and part time staff. This is due to the fact that *Knox is overhiring staff and running very under budget. In my mind I was screaming "Yay! I'm dropping my hours, I'm dropping my hours" like a little kid would on a playground, but everyone else was upset and there was talk of quitting and resigning and looking for new jobs. I guess there are a lot of people who rely on part time jobs like this to pay the rent/mortgage/insurance/bills, and then there are people like me who have greater things to worry about, like passing the next assignment... haha. No but seriously, I feel awkward when talking to these ladies. I feel like I need to pretend that this 20% cut in hours is going to kill me... but really, it's not. And when it comes down to it, I could use the drop in hours to give myself more time to spend on my Work Placement and Uni Assignments.

But here's the clincher. I was talking to my Area Manager about it, and she was off the wall. Apparently we at Biotherm are not allowed to have our hours cut below base (which is what we're working at now), because that's a contract between *Knox and Biotherm. So like it or not, I'm not looking down the barrell at a 20% cut in hours, most likely my hours will remain the same - and pick up over Christmas. Doh!

* denotes the name of the firm, which for privacy reasons will remain disclosed.


Blogger Steph said...

hey nik, that's an awesome photo :o) and yes bring on summer...baggy's pool is awesome - it's almost like having your own pool...except that it belongs to someone else.

4:42 pm  
Blogger nik said...

and you don't have to worry about keeping it clean during winter!

9:42 am  

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