
oak'ness n. the shadow of the oak tree at its fullest, inviting stragglers to sit and relax under its shade

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Steal This from Jess

My ex is someone I waited five years for, and never went out with. I was young and naive and believed that 'he was the one'. I don't believe you can have an ex if you never had a boyfriend in the first place. I guess then this should read: "My ex is non-existent".

Maybe I should save my money for a trip back to Germany.

I love the smell of cold rain hitting the ground on a hot day. It's so satisfying and earthly. I also love lying in bed and listening to heavy rain pelting against my window. There is something about it that makes me feel warm and cosy.

I don't understand why people don't empty the petrol pumps properly before they put the nozzle back on the "console". I can't stand picking up the pump and having petrol leak all over the side of my car because the person before me was too lazy to let the nozzle drip fully before hooking it back up.

I lose myself when I read. I become the character, or part of his/her family and imagine what it would be like to be in that day, time or situation.

People say I'm quiet and introverted. They call me shy, and feel sorry for me, but they don't really know me.

Love is something we all long for and find so hard to give.

Somewhere, someone is giving birth to a precious new life that may someday make a difference to the world we're living in. Then again, maybe not.

Forever young, I want to be forever young.

I never want to get married and fall out of love. I find comfort in seeing elderly couples holding hands and I think that growing up in a society where the divorce rate has risen exponentially since the 19th Century makes me anxious about things that someone my age shouldn't even be worrying about.

I think the current U.S President is doing his job, regardless of all the criticism and poor publicity he gets. He was elected, so this is his time. If he isn't wanted in Parliament, why was he voted in... again? You make the bed you lie in. I don't even know what I'm saying. I don't get politics. It's too much for me to comprehend.

When I wake up in the morning I feel tired and want to sleep some more, then I think about all the things I need to do, or would like to do, and reluctantly roll out of bed and into the shower.

My past was filled with embarrassing moments I still beat myself up about. I'm sure people have forgotten most of the things I've done, but somehow I don't think I will ever forget. They say that you are your worst enemy. This may be true.

I get annoyed when I feel like I need to prove myself. I shouldn't need to prove anything, to anyone, especially not to myself - I of all people should know what I'm good at, and what I'm not.

Parties are for celebrating. It doesn't matter what you're celebrating - a job promotion, birthday, anniversary, Christmas or that you had a great week in general - you can still have a party.

My dog is a huge, energetic Labradoodle. Even though she is still a puppy, I think I find relief in the fact that she is still growing and will one day be half the height that I am (which doesn't really say much). Words like "protector" and "refuge" spring to mind.

My cat is not really mine. He is part of the family I belonged to when I lived in Germany. I find that cats are too independent and unattached. They come for food, but don't need love or care. I used to dislike cats, until I met Fritz. Fritz used to sleep on my stomach while I lay in bed. He was my hot water bottle.

Kisses are the best when they are rare and unexpected.

Tomorrow never comes, for when we think it has arrived, it is already today.

I really want to be a dancer. I think that is a dream I have had for a long time, but have never done anything about. Maybe it's because I know in the back of my mind that I'm uncoordinated to such a level that I have the ability to trip down kerbs as well as up.

I have low tolerance for people who study in a foreign country and refuse to speak the native language. It is not because I hate them, I don't. I just don't think they quite understand that the concept of "studying overseas" means that they are there to be immersed in the culture, language and everyday life of that nation. And if they are unwilling to adjust, they would most probably be better off going back to where they came from, harsh as it seems.


Blogger Steph said...

Thanks for using a title that associates your post with Jess'. I went mad trying to work out what Enoch was on about. Old people holding hands rock.

1:49 pm  
Blogger nik said...

i love old people... they're so cute... only when they're not angry old people

12:04 am  

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