
oak'ness n. the shadow of the oak tree at its fullest, inviting stragglers to sit and relax under its shade

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Drop Out

Where Am I? Take 2 has everyone guessing correctly... I was a passenger in my own car driving down High Street Road towards Glen Waverley... just after Bushy Park Lane on the right and Norton's Park on the left. Now, onto bigger and better things... I've dropped two of my three courses. That being said, things rarely seem to go right when you have a proxy re-enrol for you. And depending on which way you look at it, it may be a good thing, but... if you're a glass half empty type... it may not be such a good thing.

I, personally, am stoked. I only have to concentrate on one course now - which is worth 24 credit points (double the norm) and have three semesters left (two of them full semesters and the last semester consisting of two courses). The reason why I dropped two courses is because my program only gives me enough space to do three electives... which I have already had my fill of. Two of the three courses I was enrolled in this semester were electives, so if I did continue with them, I would be doing them for nothing... and forking over extravagant sums of money to write four 2,500 word essays which don't count for anything. That being said, I am glad I was given this rare opportunity to drop two courses - not because I didn't like them, but because I had to =o) This is what I'll now be doing in my spare time:

And to my defence (in regards to E's post about Shannon Noll), all I really wanted from Shannon Noll's latest album was "Now I Run" and "Lift"... but that was it, promise! But now that I have the whole album on my Mac, I have to say it's pretty good...


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